Beginning of the journey
I've had bad eyesight since I was around 10 years old. However, it still took till I was 21 before I got my first pair of glasses. And since I felt uncomfortable in them I used contacts for may years. It's only the last year I've used glasses regularly. My eyes no longer like contacts, they make my eyelids dry out. I'm now 32 years old with myopia, -1.5 diopters on left eye and -1.75 on right eye as well as astigmatism on both eyes at slightly different angles.
A few years ago I heard from a classmate that her dad had done vision training and his eyesight had improved a lot. Of course I got interested so I borrowed a book form the library called Improve your eyesight naturally by Leo Angart. I read it and followed the exercises for maybe two weeks but then lost interest. I had a lot of other things in my life right then that took my attention. I forgot about it for a few years until just a few days ago. I told myself I don't want to just accept that I have bad eyesight. I want to do something about it. So once again I borrowed the book by Angart, I read it again carefully and printed all the exercise sheets (which I couldn't do last time). This time I'm much more confident that it will work and that I can regain my eyesight.
I started yesterday by doing some of the basic exercises he outlines. The first being to look at a Snellen chart (the wall poster with letters you know from medical exams in school) and note down what I can see.
My results this first time 2018-07-27 were:
Both eyes: 20/60
Left eye: 20/70
Right eye: 20/125
The numbers may not mean much to you so let me explain. A person with normal eyesight can read the line 20/20. The first number stands for the distance it should be read at, and the second number stands for the distance a person with normal eyesight can read it. So the line 20/60, which is the smallest I can read can be read by a person with good eyesight at 60 feet away.
It's important to read the chart in daylight!
The exercise continues by suggesting swaying left and right while watching the line that cannot be read, as well as blinking. I tried this for a while and to my surprise I could suddenly see the line clearly, and as if that's not enough I could even read two lines below. However, as soon as I blinked everything was blurry again. This is a HUGE motivator for me. This means that somewhere in there I have the potential to see much more clearly. I just need to learn how to access it. I've since got these flashes of clear sight a few more times, but it's always gone when I blink.
In Angart's book one of the first things he mentions is motivation and belief. It's very important to believe that it's possible to train the eyes to regain eyesight. And to keep the motivation up to keep on exercising. This is the sole purpose I started this blog. I have no sponsorship or other way of gaining money from it.
After that he delves into the psychological parts of the eyesight. That bad eyesight could be the cause of something you don't want to see. Or just stress.
This is followed by eye massage, chinese acupressure and energies and eventually the more practical exercises.
He also covers things such as diet. But I haven't gotten there yet.
I've been looking at some different guides and sources on the net as well. It's mostly the same exercises and tips, if there is a line of argument, not only in Angarts book but on the net over all it's that bad eyesight stems from strained muscles in the eyes. And that relaxation exercises are the best way to go. Thus most of the exercises focus on tensioning and then letting go of the eyes in different angles.
The importance of avoiding glasses and contacts is clearly stated almost everywhere as well. So I will try to use my glasses as little as possible. And maybe get a pair of weaker glasses for the times I do need them.
Right now I'm in a quite confused state, where I've read of a lot of different causes for myopia and ways to address them. I think over time I will find what feels like the best way for me. I will most likely keep on with the exercises I will look for any psychological reasons I could have bad eyesight and also keep doing the acupressure massage which has felt very effective as well.
Some other interesting things I found out:
Lack of sunlight is very likely to cause myopia. (This also means using sunglasses is bad)
Using minus lenses while reading or using computer worsens eyesight.
Eskimos had perfect eyesight until they joined the western education system, now it's much worse.
I will keep you posted on any progress... or lack thereof!
A few years ago I heard from a classmate that her dad had done vision training and his eyesight had improved a lot. Of course I got interested so I borrowed a book form the library called Improve your eyesight naturally by Leo Angart. I read it and followed the exercises for maybe two weeks but then lost interest. I had a lot of other things in my life right then that took my attention. I forgot about it for a few years until just a few days ago. I told myself I don't want to just accept that I have bad eyesight. I want to do something about it. So once again I borrowed the book by Angart, I read it again carefully and printed all the exercise sheets (which I couldn't do last time). This time I'm much more confident that it will work and that I can regain my eyesight.
I started yesterday by doing some of the basic exercises he outlines. The first being to look at a Snellen chart (the wall poster with letters you know from medical exams in school) and note down what I can see.
My results this first time 2018-07-27 were:
Both eyes: 20/60
Left eye: 20/70
Right eye: 20/125
The numbers may not mean much to you so let me explain. A person with normal eyesight can read the line 20/20. The first number stands for the distance it should be read at, and the second number stands for the distance a person with normal eyesight can read it. So the line 20/60, which is the smallest I can read can be read by a person with good eyesight at 60 feet away.
It's important to read the chart in daylight!
The exercise continues by suggesting swaying left and right while watching the line that cannot be read, as well as blinking. I tried this for a while and to my surprise I could suddenly see the line clearly, and as if that's not enough I could even read two lines below. However, as soon as I blinked everything was blurry again. This is a HUGE motivator for me. This means that somewhere in there I have the potential to see much more clearly. I just need to learn how to access it. I've since got these flashes of clear sight a few more times, but it's always gone when I blink.
In Angart's book one of the first things he mentions is motivation and belief. It's very important to believe that it's possible to train the eyes to regain eyesight. And to keep the motivation up to keep on exercising. This is the sole purpose I started this blog. I have no sponsorship or other way of gaining money from it.
After that he delves into the psychological parts of the eyesight. That bad eyesight could be the cause of something you don't want to see. Or just stress.
This is followed by eye massage, chinese acupressure and energies and eventually the more practical exercises.
He also covers things such as diet. But I haven't gotten there yet.
I've been looking at some different guides and sources on the net as well. It's mostly the same exercises and tips, if there is a line of argument, not only in Angarts book but on the net over all it's that bad eyesight stems from strained muscles in the eyes. And that relaxation exercises are the best way to go. Thus most of the exercises focus on tensioning and then letting go of the eyes in different angles.
The importance of avoiding glasses and contacts is clearly stated almost everywhere as well. So I will try to use my glasses as little as possible. And maybe get a pair of weaker glasses for the times I do need them.
Right now I'm in a quite confused state, where I've read of a lot of different causes for myopia and ways to address them. I think over time I will find what feels like the best way for me. I will most likely keep on with the exercises I will look for any psychological reasons I could have bad eyesight and also keep doing the acupressure massage which has felt very effective as well.
Some other interesting things I found out:
Lack of sunlight is very likely to cause myopia. (This also means using sunglasses is bad)
Using minus lenses while reading or using computer worsens eyesight.
Eskimos had perfect eyesight until they joined the western education system, now it's much worse.
I will keep you posted on any progress... or lack thereof!
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